Margaret, tell Howard he is full of shit. Democrats aren’t trying to take his money. Show me a Republican who makes less than a million a year and I’ll show you a moron who watches Fox News. Newt wants to spout off about a food stamp President and welfare queens which is just another way of saying, “Hey. Who let the black guy into the White House?” And Romney wants us to believe that the poor in America are doing just fine and dandy. Good Lord where did the Republican party dig up these idiots?
Obama isn’t making plans to take your hard-earned money and give it to some poor person who is sitting at home with too many kids just living high on the hog off the government. Despite what Gingrich wants you to think, Obama isn’t a Socialist. I doubt most of the Gingrich voters even know the definition of socialism. After all, it has three more letters in it than Muslim. I do know this – taxes piss everyone off. Nobody likes to be taxed. But we all kind of like our roads, schools, healthcare, national security, law enforcement, energy… Those things represent the majority of what our taxes go to. And speaking of majority, the majority of welfare recipients are children. You know, those precious little bundles of life that the Republican base likes to ignore once the cord is cut.
And now we get to hear it all over again as Mitt and Newt head to Nevada. God help our friends out West. If ever there was a time for things that happen in Vegas to stay in Vegas, this would be it. And you my poor dear, Margaret. Your beautiful state of Maine is also up this week. I’d bake you a sympathy pie, but it won’t be long before the mud-slinging gets to my state as well. At least Perry has been put down.
Mitt and Newt are beginning to bore me. Let’s talk about something else today.
Three cheers for Virginia State Senator Janet Howell who gave the Old White Guys Club a taste of their own medicine. Virginia law makers are trying to pass their own version of the Texas law that requires a woman to have an ultrasound before terminating a pregnancy. Good ‘ole Senator Howell added an amendment that would require men to have a rectal exam and a cardiac stress test before obtaining a prescription for erectile dysfunction medication. I like how that lady thinks. Considering most of them have their head up their ass, a finger up the butt just might knock some sense into their brain. I wish politicians would figure out how to run the country rather than trying to run my uterus. Am I the only one to notice the hypocrisy of the Republican party? They want smaller government all right… just small enough to crawl up my vagina!
And shame on the Susan G. Komen Foundation for letting some Republican nut case from Georgia convince them to start picking on Planned Parenthood. With men like those Virginia State Legislators in the world, we women need to stick together. The folks at Komen might want to remember that is wasn’t all that long ago that breast cancer was another one of those women’s health issues that was feared and discussed in hushed tones, as if it were shameful. Women should be allowed to make medical decisions with their doctors and not with their politicians. Planned Parenthood is one of the largest providers of breast cancer screenings and mammogram referrals in the nation, and that asshat Karen Handel over at Komen is about to find out that Planned Parenthood is also one of the most trusted names in women’s healthcare. I surely would like to introduce Ms. Handel’s ass to my boot. A boot, I might add, that walked in many a Komen Race for a Cure. Now the only walking I’ll be doing is from my door to my mailbox to drop a check in the mail to Planned Parenthood. Women turning on other women when we already have the likes of Rick Perry to deal with… Well I never.
Maybe we should stop Walking for a Cure and start Walking for Respect. I mean it. Really.
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